HLB Poland

Polish economy in numbers

Poland is a very interesting place for foreign investors. Country’s main advantages are: large number of inhabitants (almost 40 millions), diversified economy in terms of sectors, ambitious employees and easy access to markets of Eastern and Western Europe.

Polish economy may be briefly depicted as:

  • being robust and resilient to external shocks, mainly due to the country’s significant internal market and diversified export structure;
  • offering safe environment for economic activity and long-term planning (due to stable prices and constant GDP growth);
  • having very low risk of a financial crisis (public sector debt amounts to 57.0 % GDP while the EU 27 average equals 84.9% GDP);
  • offering broad range of investment possibilities resulting from modernization of infrastructure and implementing modern technologies in corporations;
  • being driven by a large number of agile small and medium enterprises (over 3 000 000 registered entities).

Main economic indicators:

Main economic indicators

Other important information:

Other important information



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